There are many different flying insects that can keep you swatting around, such as; Hornets, wasps, carpenter bees, yellow jackets, honey bees, and many others. They love to nest in the eaves of your home or business, pitches of the roof, windows, doors, and attics. They are not only a problem for those family BBQ’s and while relaxing on the porch, but also for your kids playing outside around the pool or in the yard. These flying insects that sting can also cause some unexpected hospital visits. The venom that most flying insects release when they sting you can cause an allergy that you did not know you had to surface. These stings not only hurt they also can play havoc on your body.
Wasp and Bee stingers are the weapon of defense for these hurtful little creatures. While the sting is a deterrent for fellow enemies of these insects, a human can be stung in the cross fire or in cases where they feel threatened. The initial sting releases a venom called Melittin which stimulates the nerve ending in the skin which even in a few days can still remain sensitive to the touch. This is not a pleasant feeling for anyone to have to endure.
Honey Bees are endangered, therefore, killing them is not an option. There are specialists that can remove them from the site they have made their home. They have been known to make nests under siding and in walls, so not only can they sting but they can cause structural damage as well. When honey bees sting, the stinger remains in the skin which continues to release the venom causing more pain. Although honey bees are smaller than wasps and bees the swarm in groups causing more pain at once all of the body which is what makes them lethal.